Do you know who the real estate you are working with is “working for” – Seller, Buyer, or neither? BRRETA was established to make this relationship more transparent – How’s it working out for you, so far?
After establishing the Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § Title 10 (Commerce & Trade) Chapter 6A) in 1994 to outline the Real Estate Agent’s responsibility to disclose to their client/customer in whom they are protecting their interests, it was revised and amended in 2000 to give clarity in the duties of a real estate broker and in relationships between clients and customers; gave real estate brokers greater legal protections; and updated changes in real estate industry.
The 2000 Act gave the ability to form a “client” relationship without first engaging in a Brokerage Agreement which outlines and specifies the duties and responsibilities of both parties: broker (or their agent) and client.
You may view the official Georgia Code thru: use BRRETA or 10-6A-7 for search terms on buyer agency duties and responsibilities