The Office of Inspector General in the Department of Labor raised some Significant Concerns such as:
Protecting the Safety and Health of Workers: OIG is concerned with OSHA’s ability to best target its compliance activities to those areas where they can have the greatest impact. OSHA must strive to target the most egregious and persistent violators and protect the most vulnerable worker populations
Ensuring the Effectiveness of the Job Corps Program: ability to provide safe residential and nonresidential education and training programs that truly assist at-risk, disadvantaged youth (ages 16 to 24) in turning their lives around. Concern for challenge the program faces in obtaining and documenting desired program outcomes, including
placing students in training-related employment. Also of concern for the OIG are administrative and financial management weaknesses and, in particular, recent budget overruns.
US OIG reports $5.6 Billion Unemployment Insurance waste due to claimants who returned to work & still got benefits.
Securing and Protecting Information Management Systems: Recent OIG audits have identified deficiencies in configuration management, account management, and vulnerability management, as well as security and access control weaknesses in key departmental financial and support systems.
Department of Labor has not always properly categorized significant IT investments to ensure that they received the level of oversight that projects of their estimated cost should receive.
During the reporting period April 1 through September 30, 2014, the OIG Hotline received a total of 1,498 contacts. Of these, 320 were referred for further review and/or action.
Office of Inspector General – Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse – Call the Hotline
202-693-6999 or 800-347-3756
Fax: 202-693-7020