New rule may eliminate CE credit for Georgia Realtors

A proposed rule change to Georgia Real Estate Commission Rules, Chapter 520; Rule 520-2-.04 (6) is up for debate and discussion at the June 8, 2016 GREC meeting in Atlanta which could eliminate Continuing Education Credit for thousands of realtors.

The elimination of the following course design was proposed by the GREC:

10. instruction in the use of technology, computers, or other devices;

Essentially, this means that training courses in the use of computer/online based realtor based property search tools (i.e., listing service training) would no longer receive CE credit for licensees.

If you wish to object to this rule change, you have until close of business on June 7th to furnish your written rationale for such objection to Georgia Real Estate Commission, Suite 1000 International Tower, 229 Peachtree Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303. But beware, the GREC meeting is on June 8th, so that’s not alot of time to review your objection(s).

Maybe it will be like “Miracle on 34th Street”…where bags and bags of written objections will be delivered during the Commissioners meeting. No, I seriously doubt that would happen.

By the way, here’s the list of areas or topics of continuing education that may not
be considered appropriate for continuing education include, but are not limited to:

1. the psychology of selling;
2. personality assessments;
3. business development;
4. personal real estate investing;
5. retirement planning;
6. personal or business branding such as dress and presentation techniques;
7. motivational classes or seminars;
8. time management classes;
9. sales and marketing techniques unrelated to real estate;
10. instruction in the use of technology, computers, or other devices; and
11. training in social media;

References to products and services are not a specific endorsement, but the user must perform their due diligence and investigate whether the product or service is right for them. I welcome any or all comments that would help others.

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