Who really knows what will happen in 2015…nobody expected to start 2015 with interest rates below 4%, but they did…and several “experts” predicted real estate rebounds and yet the economy remains sluggish and normal young home buyers still can’t find decent enough employment to make enough to buy a home….good choice of inventory remains missing…and can’t wait until the investors who bought massive number of homes decide to sell them and turn profit as soon as home buyers return to the market and good updated inventory remains low.
There are plenty of predictions floating around for residential real estate in 2015 – here are only a handful and often somewhat redundant:
Important real estate trends for 2015 – Typically, first-time buyers make up about 40% of home purchases and 2014 was the lowest participation rate in history…this year ought to be a litter better. Also, home prices are rising which means a falling average earnings level will result in lower affordability for home buyers. Source: Capital Gazette article
Five Things To Watch In Housing In 2015 (Affordable Homes; Available Mortgages; Low Interest Rates; Adequate Inventory; and New Home Construction)…Source: WSJ Blog
What’s ahead in 2015 – Millennials getting jobs? Interest rates, inventory and price appreciation? Econmomic stability? Source: San Diego news
Will 2015 Be Better Or Worse For Real Estate? Young people are having trouble finding jobs and affordable housing in areas they want to live.
Five (5) Predictions for Real Estate in 2015 from HomeVestors (Inventory meets Pent Up Demand-First Timers- Inventory-Loans availability)
Five real estate trends to watch in 2015 (Buyer’s Market; Mortgage Rates; Credit; Local Markets; and Gas Prices)
Real Estate Forecast for 2015 (more first timers-more new housing) – Housing market will be better – return of first-time buyers – increasing new home construction and existing homes – home-price appreciation.